I know Heavenly Father loves us because He continues to provide answers and solutions to all life's questions and problems. He will never give up on us. He will always listen to our pleas, to our struggles, to our joys, to our hopes and desires and He will always provide a way for us to find happiness.
On Sunday, during sacrament meeting, I found answers I was seeking. The speakers were asked to teach on the principles outlined in the pamphlets Family Finance and Family Home Storage. Here are the things I gleaned most: 1. If God commands and I follow it, I will receive the promises attached to that command because He is bound to His word. 2. If God's command seems bigger than me or my ability, and often it does, I can do what He commands because he has promised that he will always prepare a way to accomplish what he commands. 3. I can always trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because they love us and we are their greatest interest.