Monday, May 30, 2011

Have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life, today?

Just recently, after evening family prayer is finished, my husband and I have been asking our children "Did you see the hand of the Lord in your life, today?" 

Last night, I asked the question and was overcome with emotion at the answers of our children.

Our oldest daughter had her first Sunday in Young Women's. She was so nervous to go. We told her that we thought she would discover that this a wonderful new experience. She was still hesitant to leave primary.

Her experience in seeing the hand of the Lord "I was really nervous to go to Young Women's. But when I got there, it was wonderful. I wasn't afaid at all."

Our almost eight year old shared hers:
She was putting together some kind of lego invention and couldn't figure out how to do it (I was rocking the baby and could hear her at the table mumbling, and almost whine-crying because she couldn't figure out how to fit the pieces she wanted to fit together). This went on for some time.

She said, "I was trying to to make this lego thing at the table and it wasn't working. So, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me. And He helped me figure it out. And I finished putting it together."

Last night I could see the blessings promised by President Eyring:

"My point is to urge you to find ways to recognize and remember God’s kindness. It will build our testimonies. You may not keep a journal. You may not share whatever record you keep with those you love and serve. But you and they will be blessed as you remember what the Lord has done. You remember that song we sometimes sing: “Count your many blessings; name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did. It was an email from my sister last weekend. Love you Loosh!