Friday, April 2, 2010


Tomorrow is General Conference and we will be going to our ward house to watch.

I love General Conference. It is like a dear friend who's visit we've been anticipating. And when it comes, my spirit is recharged.

It reminds me that the Lords' Church is here.
Led by living prophets.
And, oh, how the Spirit sings this in my soul.

Watching the prophets speak, listening to them testify of Jesus Christ and His gospel is electrifying. The Holy Ghost witnesses they are truly latter-day apostles. What a magnificent thing to feel, to know, to see!

And when they speak, I feel a rebirth to follow my Savior.

These next two days will go, oh too quickly.

And when Conference ends, my heart feels as though my good friend's visit has wrapped up. I am comforted to know that for the next six months there is counsel to follow that will protect and guide me and my family. And then in six months when living prophets will gather again to teach us, my dear friend will visit again.

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