Thursday, November 26, 2009


I have felt so homesick for siblings, parents, dear friends, things that are familiar. Today, the pangs of family far away has ached deep inside of my heart.

I have been thinking a lot about being here and family states away...

which really isn't like countries away...

or heaven away...

I find I am on my knees more.

I seek for peace from Him and He comforts my sad, homesick heart.

And this is what I see...and thank for.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ.
He has lifted my heart when it has felt sad...
so sad to weep...
so sad that I thought it would crumble...
When I prayed,
He lifted me up,
to feel His love...
His Perfect love.
To keep moving...
To keep serving...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Posting Again

I'm posting again. Names may be changed to protect the innocent...and not so innocent...tee hee.

Book of Mormon

I've just started reading the Book of Mormon again. My goal is to finish before Christmas. In the past few days I have gained a greater appreciation for Nephi, Jacob, Momon, Moroni and other prophets who wrote in the Book of Mormon. There is a sense of urgency to leave their testimonies of Jesus Christ. They each express an immense desire for this record to return to the house of Israel and testify that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. My spirit swells as I read, knowing that The Book of Mormon is true. That Christ lives, He heals, He saves. I am thankful for the Book of Mormon.