Thursday, December 15, 2011


Now there was no law against a man’s belief; for it was strictly contrary to the commands of God that there should be a law which should bring men on to unequal grounds.

Now if a man desired to serve God, it was his privilege; or rather, if he believed in God it was his privilege to serve him; but if he did not believe in him there was no law to punish him.

But if he murdered he was punished unto death; and if he robbed he was also punished; and if he stole he was also punished; and if he committed adultery he was also punished; yea, for all this wickedness they were punished.

For there was a law that men should be judged according to their crimes. Nevertheless, there was no law against a man’s belief; therefore, a man was punished only for the crimes which he had done; therefore all men were on equal grounds.

I'm just saying...this is a pretty clear definition of well as FREEDOM of RELIGION.

Alma 30:7, 9-11

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


And thus we see how great the inequality of man is because of sin and transgression, and the power of the devil, which comes by the cunning plans which he hath devised to ensnare the hearts of men.  
And thus we see the great call of diligence of men to labor in the vineyards of the Lord; and thus we see the great reason of sorrow, and also of rejoicing—sorrow because of death and destruction among men, and joy because of the light of Christ unto life.  
Alma 28:13

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Carolers

Tonight, in the hustle and bustle of getting kids to bed early...okay, early and early...I got caught up in the duty of doing and forgot about en-JOY-ing them throughout the getting ready.

Even while putting our 8 year old to bed, I seemed more concerned about her going to sleep than I did listening to my other two daughters singing the Christmas carols they are practicing for the school program.

I came upstairs to get myself ready for the night, and what to my wondering ears did I hear, but my dear husband singing carlos with our children.

See how he is. He makes me smile. When I get overstrung about keeping deadlines or schedules or structure ...which seems too often ... he helps set my heart straight. The one thing that REALLY does matter. The heart thing. And hearing him sing carols with our children reset my heart.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Tonight, our family watched The First Presidency Christmas Devotional (click here to watch).

The messages were beautiful! They redirected my heart to the living the Christmas Spirit.

Giving what really matters,

Remembering Christ by living as HE would want me to,

Remembering His gifts to us,

Giving gifts to Him that are worthy to give.

Tonight, I'll share a gift they shared with me (click here).

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Please and Thank You

I have been thinking a lot about Alma 7:23 ...more particularly the end of verse.

...asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

Thoughts that tied like feelings to my heart:

I should take ALL my needs to Heavenly Father. Whatever it is I need. Spiritual or temporal. Whatever I need. Anything. Everything. Always!

And as quickly as I receive the answers I am seeking, I need to thank Him.

This week, I have been practicing this lesson.

Last night, I felt as if I was swarmed in a flurry of demands. Children to comfort, meals to be made, places to be and I was running an hour behind. I didn't know which to tackle first. And remembering this scripture, I took my 10 year old (who was one of these people needing comfort) with me to pray to figure out the BEST part so I could DO the best part.  My answer was different than I would have done, had I GONE ON MY OWN to figure out that best part. 

It had taken me almost 15 minutes to remember that I had FORGOTTEN to thank Heavenly Father for His answer. So, my daughter and I, who were now driving down the street, pulled over to pray. I thanked Him for His help in setting my feet straight. And immediatly, LITERALLY, I was flooded with peace and calm and comfort that I had thanked Him. And so I thanked Him again.

I know that Heavenly Father loves me. He wants me to KNOW His love and FEEL His love every day. That is why He gave me some understanding of this scripture this week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Did you know...

I was reading about Christ's second coming. He wants me to learn this lesson.

I know I have read this before...but it hadn't clicked till today.

I didn't realize how VITAL caring for the poor, the afflicted, the stranger, the helpless, the lonely reading from Matthew 25

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

I suppose the second testimony of these words are in Mosiah 4

15 But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another.
 16 And also, ye yourselves will succor those that stand in need of your succor; ye will administer of your substance unto him that standeth in need; and ye will not suffer that the beggar putteth up his petition to you in vain, and turn him out to perish.

17 Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just—

18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.

19 For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?

20 And behold, even at this time, ye have been calling on his name, and begging for a remission of your sins. And has he suffered that ye have begged in vain? Nay; he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy, and has caused that your mouths should be stopped that ye could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was your joy.

21 And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another.

22 And if ye judge the man who putteth up his petition to you for your substance that he perish not, and condemn him, how much more just will be your condemnation for withholding your substance, which doth not belong to you but to God, to whom also your life belongeth; and yet ye put up no petition, nor repent of the thing which thou hast done.

23 I say unto you, wo be unto that man, for his substance shall perish with him; and now, I say these things unto those who are rich as pertaining to the things of this world.

24 And again, I say unto the poor, ye who have not and yet have sufficient, that ye remain from day to day; I mean all you who deny the beggar, because ye have not; I would that ye say in your hearts that: I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give.

25 And now, if ye say this in your hearts ye remain guiltless, otherwise ye are condemned; and your condemnation is just for ye covet that which ye have not received.

26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God—I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.

Taking care of the poor, the afflicted, , the sick, and the lonely is Christ's way.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Early Morning Studying

My internal alarm woke me this morning.

I got up and checked the children, covered up the ones that had kicked off their covers and hopped back into my warm bed to go back to sleep. A bright thought lit up in my mind, "Get up and study the scriptures." I really wanted to try going back to sleep. And several seconds, I got up out of bed and  came upstairs to study.

In a few weeks, I will be teaching in Sunday Relief Society Meeting about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I had some questions surrounding this subject about the New Jerusalem. And so, this is where I began my studies.

Here is something I discovered about the preparations for His second coming.

Doctrine & Covenants 84 beginning wih verse 103

103 And again, verily, verily, I say unto you, it is expedient that every man who goes forth to proclaim mine everlasting gospel, that inasmuch as they have families, and receive money by gift, that they should send it unto them or make use of it for their benefit, as the Lord shall direct them, for thus it seemeth me good.

104 And let all those who have not families, who receive money, send it up unto the bishop in Zion, or unto the bishop in Ohio, that it may be consecrated for the bringing forth of the revelations and the printing thereof, and for establishing Zion.

To me, this means that I can help build the kingdom by helping, even financially, support the missionary effort.

105 And if any man shall give unto any of you a coat, or a suit, take the old and cast it unto the poor, and go on your way rejoicing.

To me, this means that as I receive, I give to the poor my excess, and then I rejoice!

106 And if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also.

To me, this means that I am to lift, love, serve, invite and continue to lead my neighbors in Christ's way, that they will have firm testimonies of Christ.

107 Therefore, take with you those who are ordained unto the lesser priesthood, and send them before you to make appointments, and to prepare the way, and to fill appointments that you yourselves are not able to fill.
108 Behold, this is the way that mine apostles, in ancient days, built up my church unto me.

This means that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the same church Christ established on the earth before He died. It is the same church that Paul, and Peter, and even Stephen had testified.

109 Therefore, let every man stand in his own office, and labor in his own calling; and let not the head say unto the feet it hath no need of the feet; for without the feet how shall the body be able to stand?

110 Also the body hath need of every member, that all may be edified together, that the system may be kept perfect.

To me, this means that where ever I am, to what ever calling I am called, I can magnify it and bless the lives of those I am called to serve. Because every calling is NEEDFUL.

111 And behold, the high priests should travel, and also the elders, and also the lesser priests; but the deacons and teachers should be appointed to watch over the church, to be standing ministers unto the church.

112 And the bishop, Newel K. Whitney, also should travel round about and among all the churches, searching after the poor to administer to their wants by humbling the rich and the proud.

To me, this means that Bishops are called of God. They serve and help members of their wards, bringing them to Christ. And I need to heed their counsel.

113 He should also employ an agent to take charge and to do his secular business as he shall direct.

114 Nevertheless, let the bishop go unto the city of New York, also to the city of Albany, and also to the city of Boston, and warn the people of those cities with the sound of the gospel, with a loud voice, of the desolation and utter abolishment which await them if they do reject these things.

115 For if they do reject these things the hour of their judgment is nigh, and their house shall be left unto them desolate.

116 Let him trust in me and he shall not be confounded; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed.

Bishops, of the church, have a great responsibility and need our prayers as they serve.

117 And verily I say unto you, the rest of my servants, go ye forth as your circumstances shall permit, in your several callings, unto the great and notable cities and villages, reproving the world in righteousness of all their unrighteous and ungodly deeds, setting forth clearly and understandingly the desolation of abomination in the last days.

We have a lot of work to do!

118 For, with you saith the Lord Almighty, I will rend their kingdoms; I will not only shake the earth, but the starry heavens shall tremble.

119 For I, the Lord, have put forth my hand to exert the powers of heaven; ye cannot see it now, yet a little while and ye shall see it, and know that I am, and that I will come and reign with my people.

120 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Amen.

The Lord ALWAYS keeps His promises.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"This is not my doctrine..."

Last week for our traveling Family Home Evening (commuting gives us a variety on where we hold FHE), we had Book of Mormon Trivia. It was AWESOME! We opened with this question:

What did Christ say was NOT his doctrine?

We heard a lot of ideas.

To steal? To lie? To be mean?

And the answer is.....

3 Nephi 11:29 - 30.

"For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.

 Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away."

So this week, these verses have caused for a lot of thought. And, so, I will blog these thoughts

The devil will to stir his pot and throw families in the mix of it. And, frankly, I don't want any of it.

I can see why the Lord commands us to pray for Charity...

Moroni 7:44-48

"...he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.

And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail

But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

because it doesn't come naturally. Even in families.

Mosiah 3:19
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

In Relief Society today, we discussed Elder Scott's talk from April General Conference entitled, "The Eternal Blessings of Marriage" A story (click here to read the full text) was shared about a couple wanting to marry in the temple. They went through a lot of hardships before they actually made it to the temple. The teacher posed the question:

"Why, if all these hardships happened, did they continue to try and reach that goal, to be sealed in the temple?"

Good question! So, re-wording the question:

"Why, especially with my family, do I continue to try and reach that goal, to have charity?"

Because as a mother, I can help create a place where we can love to be. And, because I believe the words penned by John Hugh McNaughton.

There is beauty all around,
When there’s love at home;
There is joy in every sound,
When there’s love at home;
Peace and plenty here abide,
Smiling sweet on every side,
Time doth softly, sweetly glide,
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Time doth softly, sweetly glide,
When there’s love at home.

In the cottage there is joy,
When there’s love at home;
Hate and envy ne’er annoy,
When there’s love at home;
Roses bloom beneath our feet,
All the earth’s a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete,
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Making life a bliss complete,
When there’s love at home.

Love becomes a way of life,
When there’s love at home;
Sweet, insistent end to strife,
When there’s love at home;
Glad submission each one’s gift,
Willing pledge to love and lift,
Healing balm for every rift,
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Healing balm for every rift,
When there’s love at home.

Anger cools and pressures cease,
When there’s love at home;
Children learn to live in peace,
When there’s love at home;
Courage to reach out in grace,
Meet a stranger face to face,
Find a reconciling place,
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Find a reconciling place,
When there’s love at home.

There’s no question you can’t ask,
When there’s love at home;
There is strength for any task,
When there’s love at home;
Sharing joy in work or play,
Confidence to face the day,
Knowing love will find a way,
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Knowing love will find a way,
When there’s love at home.

Kindly heaven smiles above,
When there’s love at home;
All the world is filled with love,
When there’s love at home;
Sweeter sings the brooklet by,
Brighter beams the azure sky;
Oh, there’s One who smiles on high
When there’s love at home.
Love at home, love at home;
Oh, there’s One who smiles on high
When there’s love at home.

So, I am commiting these verses to memory, to heart, to soul.  Hoping in the internalizing of these verses that in those moments of irritation and frusteration and disappointment, I can remember His doctrine.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now is not the time!

A quick post.

I am reading through my email with my three year old beside me, playing with some of her toys.

My email is FULL (okay, full is an understatement)!!! It needs to be cleaned out.

I say outloud to myself as I am deleteing new emails and looking at the number of emails that need to be deleted:

Me: This sooo needs to be cleaned out. But NOT today. Now is Not the time.

Three year-old, now climbing up onto my lap: That's right. Now is NOT the time!

So, Hi ho, Hi  ho, it's off the computer I go!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence

Yesterday, I ran into a friend that I had not seen in a long time. I love these kinds of reunions! We met in our home ward about seven years ago. She became a part of our family. The girls saw her as an aunt figure, someone they could play with and trust. I saw her as a friend and a wonderful role model for our children. Anyway, she moved and then we moved and life carried on.

I think yesterday's reunion was a little like Ammon's with Alma. It was so good to see her.

Anyway, in our conversation, she referred me to a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

"Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence." (click here or here).

Here are some things Elder Holland teaches:

"First of all, revelation almost always comes in response to a question, usually an urgent question—not always, but usually. In that sense it does provide information, but it is urgently needed information, special information."

"Lesson number two is closely related. It is that in the process of revelation and making important decisions, fear plays a destructive, sometimes paralyzing role...That is the second lesson of the spirit of revelation. After you have gotten the message, after you have paid the price to feel His love and hear the word of the Lord, go forward. Don’t fear, don’t vacillate, don’t quibble, don’t whine. ... With the spirit of revelation, dismiss your fears and wade in with both feet. In the words of Joseph Smith, “Brethren [and sisters], shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory!"

"The third lesson from the Lord’s spirit of revelation that along with the illuminating revelation that points us toward a righteous purpose or duty, God will also provide the means and power to achieve that purpose. Trust in that eternal truth. If God has told you something is right, if something is indeed true for you, He will provide the way for you to accomplish it. That is true of joining the Church or raising a family, of going on a mission, or any one of a hundred other worthy tasks in life."

So, this morning, I read Elder Holland's talk. I loved it!  Reading his words gives me absolute confidence to follow the spirit's direction especially. Particularly after the spirit has given me a deifinite answer. And boy, has  anxiety and doubt crept...maybe more like stormed in after answers had come. I do not need to tvivla (This word most accurately describes what I am trying to say. It is Swedish for doubt, but it means more that the word doubt in English.) Hesitate. Vacillate. Rethink. JUST MOVE FORWARD.

I think, because anxiety and depression have been a difficult burden, and yet these two things have played a vital role in my faith and coming to know Christ, Elder Holland's words give me direction and clarity to hold to those feelings of the spirit.



And then I as I do, I will SEE and FEEL the confidence of the Lord.


DON'T LOOK BACK or QUESTION the feelings that came.

Because that lays weedy seeds of doubt that quickly overtake my mind and heart.

The beauty of living prophets is that THEIR WORDS ARE TRUE!  From God! I can follow them and KNOW that they will ALWAYS lead me to a happy life. NEVER to a place of unhappiness.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Standing in Holy Places

This past week I was talking with our children about the value of VIRTUE. Sis. Elaine Dalton gave an incredible talk on this.

She says: "This is a magnificent time to be on the earth and to be a young woman. Our vision remains the same. It is to be worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple. This is our superlative goal! And so we will continue to lead the world in a return to virtue—a return to chastity and moral purity. We will continue to do all we can to help each other “stand … in holy places” and receive, recognize, and rely on the Holy Ghost."

I had read another talk by Sis. Dalton just a few days earlier. AWESOME!

Virtue and modesty are synonomous. As I pondered over modesty and all the why's of being modest, this scripture came to mind:

"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen." (D&C 87:8)

Hmmm. Temple. Which led to the thought:

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Cor. 6:19)

So, I think maybe standing in Holy places does not just mean our homes, the church, the temple, but it very much includes our own physical bodies. WOW! And in this, virtue and modesty are paramount.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday: The Power of Prayer

Tonight, while at Relief Society, a young boy, who had just come from playing baseball in the field near the ward house, and his mom came in asking if we had seen a little girl. We hadn't. We searched the building with them without finding her.

We were heart sick. Many of us there have had our own childen missing for a few minutes, or more, and experienced the feelings of overwhelming fear and anxiety over our lost child. And this little child had been missing for two hours.

I left for home and with a prayer in my heart I called my husband. He and the children offered a prayer for her.

On my way out, I stopped where the police were stationed in the park and asked for more details.

I went back to the ward to let the sisters we were ALL concerned about this little girl and the situation the family must be facing.

The thought came to pray for a Relief Society...tonight. Feeling a little hesitant that I might be too bold to interrupt R.S. with this request, I asked a sister what she thought about this. She said,"Oh Yes!" So, I asked a group of sisters if we could pray for the missing girl. Another sister spoke so all the other sisters could hear and asked the sister in charge if we could take a minute to pray. The request was gladly accepted and we joined together in prayer. The room hushed and as a Relief Society we combined our faith and prayed for the missing girl. Then I left for home.

I just got a call from our Relief Society President. She said, "I just wanted you to know, that within minutes after the prayer, the police came in to search the building and got a call that the girl was found."

Tonight, I am thankful for the power of prayer, for faithful Relief Society Sisters, for the Holy Ghost being persistant with me, for the sister who helped me have the courage to interrupt Relief Society, and for a kind Heavenly Father answering so many prayers for a little missing girl.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I see the Hand of the Lord today

I see the Hand of the Lord today.

This morning, when I felt too tired to get out of bed and study together with DH,
I felt the tug of the Spirit to go,


heard the tender words of my husband
that his day runs so much smoother when we have our study time,

and so,

I listened.

This morning, as he and I read together,
I learned from Lehi's example,
that in all things and in all times I can show gratitude to Heavenly Father.

This morning, when the girls came up for prayers, breakfast and scriptures,
they were willing, and cheerful,
albeit tired.

This morning, when I knelt to pray, 
I felt the Spirit's comfort.

This morning, before our children left for school,
their grandma gave each of them a hug
and an "I love you!"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A hike to Ensign Peak

Our family hiked Ensign Peak Monday morning. At the top, DH wanted to share with our children the significance of this beautiful place. It turned out more lovely than he had planned.

If each family member voiced how the hike was, the words would be:

too warm,

Albeit the scenery and the view from the top was beautiful, the highlight of our hike was just before reaching the top, and meeting Elder and Sister Dallin H. Oaks.

What a delight!

Our children who were feeling rather tuckered out before reaching the top were suddenly filled with the energy to finish the hike. They raced to the top and talked with he and his wife before we parents caught up with them.

And when we were there together, our newly baptized daughter declared,
"I've never met a REAL prophet in real life before!"

And with that, Elder Oaks turned and bent down, he looked at her, extended his hand and said,  "You have now."

He shook each of our children's hand, including baby's (and mine, too). What an experience for our family!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Patience...and Faith

I am appreciating the line from Preach My Gospel - Developing Christlike Attributes:

"Patience is related to hope and faith - You must wait for the Lord's promised blessings to be fulfilled."

And in the patient waiting is the doing. Moving in the direction that we feel the Lord would have us move, trusting that His promised blessings will come.

I believe that the rocks and bumps and summits our family has been climbing is teaching us this very principle.

My testimony is firmer in this thing: That I can trust the Lord because His promised blessings DO come.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to school

So, our kiddies started school on Monday.

I  know my kids are loving their school when they run to the van shouting and smiling..."We LOOOOVE this School!!!" All of them. Even my Jr. High-er!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thankful Thursday #4

Tonight, I am downstairs here, cleaning out some old email, editing and posting older blog posts...and I wish they would keep their old dates, but they don't. I hear the children upstairs with their cousins and feel a bit like I may be needed upstairs. So, as I am thinking this, my husband comes down and kisses me on the cheek and says with smile on his face, "You look a bit frazzled, dear." WoW! It must show all the way to the back of my head (my hair is really something else!). Anyway, he has shown a lot of kindness to me throughout our marriage. And tonight, while I am feeling a quite sleep deprived and yes, a bit frazzled, he is very understanding. So, tonight's post, I am thankful for a sweet husband who reminds me that he is my best friend, particularly on days when I am feeling a bit unlovable.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


What I know and how I act seem to be in conflict.
I believe this road to becoming like Christ and Mirroring Him must be...okay, it is, a life long process.
Today, I discovered (why has it taken sooo long to discover this???) that what I know, and who I am do not always mirror what I know. That is a big problem since what I know is AMAZING!!!
I want the two to match. It is a long road there!
A great discovery today.

So, I am cleaning out my closet.


fault finding





Just a few on the list I am wanting to dump and never see again!

I am reminded of Elder Neal A Maxwells' remarks:

" ...let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon."

PMG and New Favorite Verses

I love, absolutely LOVE the book,  "Preach My Gospel".

In our couple study, we have been reading "Developing Christ Like Attributes". I have discovered the beauty of words and the power of learning and putting to memory the things we are learning. I feel like each time I quote the passage I am learning, I am cutting out, etching a place that this piece of virtue can settle itself in my mind; helping it to become firm...immovable...steadfast; hoping that my actions will mirror the words my mind is learning, my heart is discovering, and my spirit is feasting. Putting these things to memory is what I need to help my mind, that sometimes feels slippery and somewhat like jello, become solid, fixed, and permanent in Christ.

Tonight, I read a verse in Hebrews 11 about promises...which are fixed on being these things...firm, immovable, steadfast. Referring to saints of ancient times, Able, Abraham, Enoch, and Sara, Paul states:

13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

So, tonight, I am sharing a new favorite scripture.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Baptism...following the counsel of Church Leaders

Amazing day!

I saw/felt/experienced when we follow the words/counsel of our church leaders, we are blessed.

Earlier this year, at Stake Conference, our Stake President counseled us that if we have children that are almost to the age of baptism, to teach baptism, teach of Christ, teach of repentance, baptism, covenants. Teach them about making this covenant.

So, we did and more so than we did with our older two. We made a more concerted effort to teach her and prepare her for baptism. In our studies together and with our children, we tried to follow the Spirit about the subject of study. We would suggest to each other several subjects and several times, our studies were directed to answer specific questions she had relating to baptism. How would we had known had we not listened?

So, today, as our third daughter was baptized, I felt a confirmation of the Spirit. 
We, our whole family, were emotionally, spiritually, and mentally ready for this event.
Because we followed the counsel of our stake president, we have been RICHLY blessed.
Just a few of the blessings:

Testimony strengthened.

Faith in Christ increased.

Happy family.

Love at home.

Peace of the Spirit.

Hope to move forward.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Tender Mercies

Today, I was offended. True story.
By those near and dear to me.True story, again.

I felt Lousy.

And I didn't want to feel that way because, well, I am connected to them, forever.

And feeling...offended...hurt...angry...
And carrying these feelings for a long time is really...
A big waste of time!
big waste of emotional health!
And it is way too burdensome!

So after a lot of praying/pleading to Heavenly Father to help me let it help me see lift me up out of the pit so I could breathe...and when I was calm enough to listen, He gave me some understanding.
He helped me forgive and move away from those feelings.

Today, I felt the tender mercies of the Lord.

This post was origianlly written June 4, 2011. Decieded to share it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life, today?

Just recently, after evening family prayer is finished, my husband and I have been asking our children "Did you see the hand of the Lord in your life, today?" 

Last night, I asked the question and was overcome with emotion at the answers of our children.

Our oldest daughter had her first Sunday in Young Women's. She was so nervous to go. We told her that we thought she would discover that this a wonderful new experience. She was still hesitant to leave primary.

Her experience in seeing the hand of the Lord "I was really nervous to go to Young Women's. But when I got there, it was wonderful. I wasn't afaid at all."

Our almost eight year old shared hers:
She was putting together some kind of lego invention and couldn't figure out how to do it (I was rocking the baby and could hear her at the table mumbling, and almost whine-crying because she couldn't figure out how to fit the pieces she wanted to fit together). This went on for some time.

She said, "I was trying to to make this lego thing at the table and it wasn't working. So, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me. And He helped me figure it out. And I finished putting it together."

Last night I could see the blessings promised by President Eyring:

"My point is to urge you to find ways to recognize and remember God’s kindness. It will build our testimonies. You may not keep a journal. You may not share whatever record you keep with those you love and serve. But you and they will be blessed as you remember what the Lord has done. You remember that song we sometimes sing: “Count your many blessings; name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Listening to the Spirit

Today, I tried very hard to listen to the Holy Ghost.

I wanted to follow.

And yet, I roller coastered through the day, some moments hearing, recognizing the Spirit's whisper and acting immediately...

Like when I woke at 6 and thought to read my scriptures early...
and so I did...even though my bed and tired body were screaming at me to go back to sleep.
And then as I read and my 2 year old clamored for attention, the Spirit whispered to listen and hold her even if I didn't study straight through...and so I did.

And a lot of moments, hearing, not really listening...
and then choosing MY OWN way....

Like when I was feeling flustered at my perceived "laundry pile" of demands...perceived or otherwise and...I felt to just keep doing what needed to be done, not to point fault or confront with irritation...and I did otherwise.

Since I was very young, parents and family and church learders taught me to listen to the Spirit.

They taught that listening - hearing requires me to:

and have...

It requires me to:

I am 41 and feel like a novice in hearing the Spirit ... in learning to tune the dial.

Perhaps, before I grow very old, I will be well seasoned in the skill of listening. 

Maybe one day...I hope...I will be as good a listener a President Thomas S. Monson.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"I want to be a Missionary..."

Tonight, the sister missionaries called to see if I could go on exchanges with them.  So glad I could go.  We visited a member family in the stake with the purpose to invite them to invite a friend.


The gospel is such a HAPPY thing to have. Why not share it? Sister Fellman taught them the "how" in sharing and them invited them to practice inviting a friend.

The father of the home role played inviting a sister in the ward to an upcoming activity. And even though it was role play, the Spirit confirmed that the Lord's work is moving forward and that if we/I will, we/I can play a role in this.

We visited a few other people. And I had the chance to share my feelings how God answers our prayers, if we ask Him sincerely. That the Book of Mormon will give us peace will give answers that we seek.  Again, I felt the conviction that God's church IS ON THE EARTH today.  With Christ at the head, and all the keys restored, with living prophets who speak with God for man today, modern revelation, proper priesthood authority, eternal families, covenants and ordinances, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost.
It is in the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints that we can find these truths. 

Anyway, I know these things for myself. As surely as the sun shone today and will tomorrow, whether it is hidden behind the clouds of not, it is still there.
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is here, again. And the beauty of it is that anyone can find out for him/her-self. That is the beauty of it!

I love missionary work!