Monday, January 11, 2010

Christ Love

At church yesterday I got to sub for Nu's CTR class. The lesson was about Choosing the Right and Following Jesus.

Just before we were excused to class, one of the mothers of the children in my class pulled me aside and told me how nervous her little girl teacher and all.

I understand how this can affect the children in the class.
My own Hess and Nu get the jitters when they have teacher rotations in Primary.

So, with this bit of information, I went to class with resolve to show as much Christ love as I knew how.

And as the children were filing into class, the Spirit taught me how to love these little ones.

I followed as best I could to teach these little 6 year olds like 6 year olds.
And as I started, my ability to teach them with Christ love grew.

He helped me to give them what they wanted and hoped: to feel loved, accepted, heard, important. They taught me why Jesus loves little children sooo. They are perfect, trusting, loving, forgiving, and learning.

Today was carry over from a wonderful Sunday. I was more patient with my own children. Teaching to age came easier today. I listened more intently and tried to understand their hearts. And the Spirit encouraged me to comfort and console sad hearts, to encourage love with love when arguing began and to just love and enjoy the children. I was reminded that this is where the peace and real success comes rather than rushing about doing "needful" duties.

Christ love is filling. It is contagious. It is beautiful and the most wonderful thing one could ever have or wish for.

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