Many early mornings I wake-up, go from room to room and check the children, then go back to bed. Or try to. Sometimes it is easy to crawl back into bed and continue sleeping where I left off.
But other mornings, as I rest my head back on my pillow my mind will snap "AWAKE".
All sorts of thoughts begin swirling through my head. They scream anxieties about my own shortcomings. They try to bury what I know to be true.
I am a Child of God and He loves me.
Heavenly Father helps me feel his love by the sweet comfort of the Holy Ghost.
His love and hope fill me with a great desire to want to be more like Him.
His love reminds me of my Divine Nature. It reminds me that I am His daughter.
Elder Neil L Anderson's words are reassuring:
"The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God. It is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments. Being disciples of Christ, we rejoice in the blessing of repenting and the joy of being forgiven. They become part of us, shaping the way we think and feel."
So, this morning, when I woke and these familiar anxieties rushed though me trying to dispell peace and claim hold of my mind and heart for the day, I prayed for help. And it came.
First through truths reminded me by my husband. That I am a child of God. And He always speaks with love. That the screaming feelings of self doubt, or failure or hopelessness are not His. That inside me, I know Heavenly Father loves me and take hold of that when these voices scream so loud.
And then I felt His love for me.
I know who I am. I am a daughter of God. He loves me, and will always love me. And even when I mistake in parenting and in callings and in life, His teaching is peaceful to me. It is healing and hopeful.
I am thankful that He hears and answers prayers.
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