Thursday, January 21, 2010

Relief Society Meeting...What a Blessing!

We had a Relief Society meeting tonight about Mosiah 4:19-27.

Elders Quorum president spoke to us about managing our earthly sterwardships, specifically in financial matters, but it applies with everything Heavenly Father has blessed us with.

We discussed living on a budget, teaching children eternal principles of sacrifice brings blessings - saving now for what we want later, and allowing the Lord to teach these principles to our hearts, so they can sink in and take root.

The Spirit confirmed these principles to be true.

Managing what Heavenly Father has given me is a BIG deal! But I know He will help me to progress in this thing, because I am His daughter, and He loves me, and wants me to be successful in this life. He knows I can and need to teach these principles to our children.

And He is so very patient as I learn.

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