Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lessons from a Good Samaratin

So, do I dare post the reality of my situation? Not that it is really terrible or frightening...just unexpected. Or should I say, expecting?

This has come much to my surprise and is bringing in it's way a lot of sick days. Which is all really good. Really! I lie not. Past experience tells me that sick is what I want...even when I don't think I want it. Heavenly Father has let me learn to appreciate the sick, because after the trial of sick are sweet tiny miracles.

So in all the sickness and trying to mother...which really feels quite challenging in this moment...I have tried to balance attention to family vs. keeping a clean house. Fortunately, the family has won out. Unfortunately, people who visit get to see that the house didn't.

I am learning that family is eternal...not the physical condition of a home.

So, a couple of days ago, I had a remider of the Lord's watchful care. And a sweet lesson on His love. It started with an early morning and a lot of energy expended in the front of the day. By noon I still had not dressed, the dishes were a mile high, tortillas crunched on the front entry way, toys and clothes strewn throughout, books scatterd in toys, a roll of toilet paper to relieve runny noses...and was a big mess....everywhere.

About 2:30, I was at the table, trying to get my bearings and I heard the bell ring. I made like mad for my room and hoped that it was a salesperson. Well, it was my dear neighbor, Linde.

She had stopped over to bring a little...okay, giant tray of cheesecake (which looked and smelled so incredible, but I dared not touch it for I knew it would only last seconds before it told me that was a BAD CHOICE).

And so I went my pj's. It was in this moment that I surveyed the house...EEK.

I was mortified!

And, Linde, so very much living how Jesus would want one to live, said to me,

"Lusche, I call it...creative. It is okay. Don't worry about it."

So lesson one...stop worrying about what man thinks. Because Heavenly Father knows me and my situation. And, really, this is what matters. And true friends, true friends see through the "tuesday mornings".

Lesson two, Heavenly Father watches over all of us.

"Lusche," Linde continued, "every morning, I go out and feed the birds. They come and eat. And then they leave when they are full. They know that I will feed them tomorrow. God will take care of us. He knows what we need and feeds us each day."

I learned some very valuable lessons from her. Thank you, Linde.


My Heart Squared said...

True friends come to visit you - not to inspect your house! ;D

My Heart Squared said...

And also, "Consider the lillies of the field." One of my favorite parts of the Savior's teaching in Jerusalem and in the ancient Americas. I love you!

Plum said...

Just tell freinds and neighbors who come to visit you are teaching your children household skills... and they have been put in charge....If they think that the barbie doll goes in the peanut butter it just means we are still working on where the barbie doll actually goes.

Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. Isn't it just amazing of all the billions of people who live here on earth, or will live here, or have lived here, our Heavenly Father knows each one indivdually and I imagine with so many kids he's even had toilet paper, books, and toys mixed together at his house.

Side note: I woke up to a new missionary standing in my kitchen this morning and although there aren't too many dishes in the sink and the counter is not too dirty and it doen't look like the girls room vomitted into the whole house. It wasn't perfect and I still have those feelings of inadequecy because I'm certain there mom was perfect and did everything perfectly! But I can only do what I can do and no more. So I just let it go.

You are AMAZING! love your posts -edie