Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"I want to be a Missionary..."

Tonight, the sister missionaries called to see if I could go on exchanges with them.  So glad I could go.  We visited a member family in the stake with the purpose to invite them to invite a friend.


The gospel is such a HAPPY thing to have. Why not share it? Sister Fellman taught them the "how" in sharing and them invited them to practice inviting a friend.

The father of the home role played inviting a sister in the ward to an upcoming activity. And even though it was role play, the Spirit confirmed that the Lord's work is moving forward and that if we/I will, we/I can play a role in this.

We visited a few other people. And I had the chance to share my feelings how God answers our prayers, if we ask Him sincerely. That the Book of Mormon will give us peace will give answers that we seek.  Again, I felt the conviction that God's church IS ON THE EARTH today.  With Christ at the head, and all the keys restored, with living prophets who speak with God for man today, modern revelation, proper priesthood authority, eternal families, covenants and ordinances, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost.
It is in the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints that we can find these truths. 

Anyway, I know these things for myself. As surely as the sun shone today and will tomorrow, whether it is hidden behind the clouds of not, it is still there.
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is here, again. And the beauty of it is that anyone can find out for him/her-self. That is the beauty of it!

I love missionary work!

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