Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Asprin Therapy

Another morning!! Yay!

So, I woke up to give asprin to our six year old. The 4am dosing is so much better than the 10 pm when she has just dozed off into a nice rest.

Last night, when I woke her to give her her asprins, she was not fully awake. I would give her a pill and then a drink of water and then repeated this till she was finished with her full dose. When she was finished, she lay down, and pulled the covers over her head and just shook. She was only half awake. She thought she was still in the hospital and was afraid of getting another shot. I coaxed her to look and see that it was just mom and that she was in our bed. Convinced, she snuggled up next to me, but she couldn't stay sleeping. She'd start to doze and then wake up with wide eyes and look around the room. She finally did wake up and go potty, which seemed to help, a lot!

She takes 6 children's asprin every six hours. It seems like an awful lot. But, I understand this is to take down the inflammation in her tissues. Saturday, We'll start one asprin a day until the doctor directs otherwise. This is to keep the blood thinned enough for the heart. She has another echo in a week and to check her heart again and then a final echo in April. Everything so far is going well.

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