The past 10 days have been rather full of caring for my six year old.
I think I had talked about her in a previous post.
After a couple of visits to different doctors, we finally got a correct diagnosis.
Kawasaki Disease.
Looking back, I see the Lord's hand through this whole series of events.
A week and a half ago, I took her into a clinic and they treated for strept throat. I knew this was not the correct diagnosis. One side of her neck was so very swollen. It hurt to turn her head. Her fever was climbing. I wondered where I could go to get a diagnosis that made sense. I prayed for help. I knew Heavenly Father would answer. I am her mom and he would lead me. But in this time of distress, I needed peace to hear. My dear husband has been a great comfort through this experience. He gave our daughter many blessing through the week. He reassured me of those truths when I felt unsure of what to do or where to turn for correct treatment.
After a two days treating for strept (hoping that if this were a bacterial infection of sorts, it would take care of this sickness), her fever peaked. I didn't take her actual temperature, but touching her skin felt to burn my hand. She was so very hot. She just wanted to sleep. And in these moments when I would naturally panic, the Spirit whispered what to do and led me and guided me how to take care of her without the panic. I ran a nice warm bath for her and put her in. She shivered and cried having to wake up and bathe. Yet I knew that this would help her. Is I rubbed her little legs and then her back, I could feel the water heat around her little torso. She was such a trooper. After her soak, we took her out, dried her off and dressed her. Her fever had really gone down. I took her temperature (under the arm) and it read 103.4. My husband gave her some medicine to take the fever down and I continued with compresses through the night. Eventually the fever did go down and stayed down till morning.
Morning came and more fevers. Her appetite was so small. She slept most of the days. Her little eyes were very blood shot, her lips puffy, red, and cracked, and the soles of her feet so red.
By Thursday evening when the fevers began again, we decided to take her in for another evaluation. This time a differnt clinic, the doctor on call gave us the heads up of Kawasaki Disease. He instructed if the fever continued 2 more days it was imperative she go to ER at Cook's Children's Hospital.
Friday morning, we looked up Kawasaki and saw a picture of little child that resembeled our little 6 year old. I was so grateful that the Spirit could lead us to the right doctor.
Saturday, the fevers started in the morning. We took her in later that afternoon and by Sunday, the diagnosis was confirmed and they started treatment.
Through this whole experience, I am comforted to know that the Lord has been mindful of us and this situation. For our six year old, she was given strength to do hard things. We talked about our family motto, "In the Strength of the Lord, we can do Hard things." And when she felt scared because of needles or nose suction, we would pray together and then she would do the hard part of holding still and let procedures be done. The nurses who helped encouraged her that the the words of the family motto would help her. And He would help her.
Our family has learned a greater appreciation for each other, for life, for Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father's love for us, of the power of prayer and Priesthood blessings. Our six year old will be home today. I am thankful for the guidance of the Spirit. I know that Heavenly Father watches out for all His children. Because He loves us all so much.
For those who have prayed for our family through this, thank you. We have felt the strength of the prayers and fasting and know it is through all your prayers that answers and help has come.
Thank you for this post. It is so difficult to not get the medical help you need. I'm grateful that God led you to the right help.
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Thanks and best wishes with your daughter. So glad to read your posts and see that you have loving people bringing your family meals and supporting.
I'm not sure how to email you, except for commenting here. Of course you may post this. Thanks for asking.
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