Friday, March 5, 2010

Temple Trip

A couple of days ago, a sister in our ward invited me to go to the temple with her.
I missed last month. It was a month of sick. Gratefully my husband was able to go...and well, I counted that for me...even though technically I didn't go;).

I've missed church the past 2-3 weeks with sick kids, and well, frankly, I am missing that boost that comes from attending church and temple.

So, pushing nausea aside, I woke up EARLY...7 am...and showered. I ate breakfast...EARLY hit. Nausea continued...I normally don't end up attending the temple until the middle of the second trimester or even into the 3rd trimester because the nausea is soooo great. But with a prayer in my heart and feeling that me and my family needed this temple trip, I got ready. I called the sister to let her know I would go...and we went.

So, this is what I have to say about going to the temple.
I didn't know how much stress I was carrying until after attending the temple. I felt soooo light. So peaceful. So content. I love the temple.

I recognize Heavenly Father knows my heart. I wanted to go. And he helped me attend a full session without being sick. And, to boot, I got to visit with this sister who drove and what a wonderful person she is!

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