Thinking about this last night, I realized that one of the most important things I can do is to steer their feet, their hearts and their minds to Jesus Christ. I need to Teach them to how to Listen to the Spirit and then Act according to what they have received.
Elder David A Bednar suggested that teaching our children is more than just feeding them doctrine:
"As gospel learners, we should be “doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). ...Parents have the sacred responsibility to help children to act and to seek learning by faith. And a child is never too young to take part in this pattern of learning.
... As parents and gospel instructors, you and I are not in the business of distributing fish; rather, our work is to help our children learn “to fish” and to become spiritually steadfast. This vital objective is best accomplished as we encourage our children to act in accordance with correct principles—as we help them to learn by doing... Such learning requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception....
The spiritual understanding you and I have been blessed to receive, and which has been confirmed as true in our hearts, simply cannot be given to our children. The tuition of diligence and of learning by study and also by faith must be paid to obtain and personally “own” such knowledge. Only in this way can what is known in the mind also be felt in the heart. Only in this way can a child move beyond relying upon the spiritual knowledge and experiences of parents and adults and claim those blessings for himself or herself. Only in this way can our children be prepared spiritually for the challenges of mortality."
I also thought about Pres. Henry B Eyring's address given to the Priesthood in October 2009's conference (click here).
One final thought on this from Sister Matsumori about helping others recognize the spirit.
She gives some very helpful steps to move me in the place where I can effectively teach my children to recognize the spirit.
1st: Understand the Doctrine.
In order to do this, I need to know the doctrine so I understand the doctrine I am teaching. So, this begins with personal daily scripture study accompanied with prayer. Then I can teach correct doctrine
About teaching doctrine, she says: "The importance of helping others understand is described in the Doctrine and Covenants. Parents “in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized” are told to help their children “understand the doctrine.”
2nd: Share personal testimony.
Sister Matsumori taught, "We can help others become more familiar with the promptings of the Spirit when we share our testimony of the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives."
3rd: Provide and envirionment where the spirit can be felt. How can we do this?
Her counsel is:
"One reason we are encouraged to pray and read the scriptures every single day is that both of these activities invite the Spirit into our homes and into the lives of our family members.
"Because the Spirit is often described as a still, small voice, it is also important to have a time of quiet in our lives as well. The Lord has counseled us to “be still, and know that I am God.” If we provide a still and quiet time each day when we are not bombarded by television, computer, video games, or personal electronic devices, we allow that still, small voice an opportunity to provide personal revelation and to whisper sweet guidance, reassurance, and comfort to us."
How do I help my children?
- Daily scripture and personal.
- Daily personal well as family prayers.
- Repent often so I can be worthy of the Spirit's influence.
- Listen and heed His promptings.
- Teach the doctrine, bear testimony, and provide a place where the Spirit can be felt.
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