Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Joy in Becoming...Feeling God's love

Moses 1:39
"For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

A few days ago, my oldest daughter came home from school, overjoyed that they were offering orchestra classes.

"Oh, Mom, I was listeing to the High School orchestra (they visited her school), and well it didn't take the breath out of me like listening to the bagpipes...but almost! It was so beautiful! I've decided, I'd like to play in the school orchestra. Please?! And I know what  I'd like to play...the violin."

I've been waiting and watching...
wanting to know what makes her heart sing...
what talents she wants to develop...
what her interests are (besides art and reading).

And so when she came home, filled with this desire to want to create beautiful music, and watching her reaction to what she heard and her hope to develop talents filled my heart with soooo much joy

My feelings of wanting to help her become everything wonderful Heavenly Father KNOWS she can become filled my heart. And I want to giver her every chance to develop this gift.

I felt like this little part of JOY I felt watching her reach to and want to develop something beautiful inside of her is just a piece of what Heavenly Father feels for me when I discover the gifts He has given me and love them and develop them.  And He let me feel it...He gave me a taste of His love for me...for her...for all of us.

1 comment:

Plum said...

Good for you! When my oldest came home wanting to play an instrument both me and my husband tried to talk him out of it. But he would not have it he played the trumpet and then the French horn until he was a Junior in high school turns out unlike his parents he is very musical talented. Find that Girl a violin.

Love you